many of our customers still use Uherek machines
We continue to offer the following services:
- spare parts
- rebuilds
- general obverhaul
- CE compliant security concepts
- wear parts (e.g. scissor blades, tamping tools, grinding wheels)
- spindle service (check, new ball bearings, run in)
- tamping head service, rental head on demand
- grinding wheel service (renew, glue, balance)
Machine type:
- AB 90, AP
- BSL 100
- DP 54 /1
- E45, E46
- FST 01 – FST 26
- KA 70, KA 71
- L80
- R62, R64, R66
- S23, S23x1, S23x2, S23x3
- S500, S501, S502, S503
- SE 5, SE7, SE8
- SP 30
- T2, T3, AT4
- WM 57
- ZB 60
tamping head service
grinding wheel service
wear parts